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National Action Plan for Haritha Lanka Programme (Sri Lanka)

The National Action Plan for Haritha Lanka Programme aims to translate the concept of sustainability into a practical concept. It is captured in 10 mission statements and the proposed strategies and actions that are set out focus on fulfilling the 10 goals set out in the mission statements. 

The 10 broad missions/thrust areas covered by the programme are: 

  1. Clean Air - Everywhere
  2. Saving the Fauna, Flora and Ecosystems
  3. Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change
  4. Wise Use of the Coastal Belt and the Sea Around
  5. Responsible Use of the Land Resources
  6. Doing Away with the Dumps
  7. Water for All and Always
  8. Green Cities for Health and Prosperity
  9. Greening the Industries
  10. Knowledge for Right Choices

The programme includes short-, medium- and long- term targets spanning the period 2009–2016 and performance indicators. While noting that achieving sustainability rests to a large extent on national efforts, the action plan urges us to be mindful of the vitally important place of global factors in influencing our efforts aimed at achieving sustainability. These are, notably, the looming crisis of climate change and the crippling effects of high dependence on fossil fuels, both of which would impact strongly on the three pillars of sustainability, namely, environmental conservation, economic stability and social equity. A cohesive programme for sustainable development must therefore be developed. This has been the focus in developing the action plan.