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Kiribati 20-Year Vision 2016–2036, 2016

The Kiribati 20-Year Vision (KV20) embodies the long-term development strategy for the country. It envisions a wealthy, healthy and peaceful Kiribati by the year 2036. This will be achieved by maximizing the development benefits from fisheries and tourism as key productive sectors. 

KV20 is anchored on four pillars: 

  1. Wealth
  2. Peace and Security
  3. Infrastructure
  4. Governance

Under the Wealth Pillar, Kiribati aims for the development of natural, human and cultural capital. The Peace and Security Pillar aims to create a secure, safe and peaceful Kiribati by establishing and strengthening national security policy frameworks, institutions and partnerships. The Infrastructure Pillar focuses on improving connectivity and accessibility, particularly for economic and social infrastructure. The Governance Pillar aims to strengthen national and local traditional governance policy and legislative frameworks in order to bring about a corruption-free society. 

KV20 also aims to mainstream equity in all sector programmes, in recognition of the importance of the cross-cutting principles on gender, youth, vulnerable sectors, disability, equity and partnerships. Furthermore, KV20 recognizes that climate change is a significant constraint to its objectives and emphasizes the need to mainstream climate change adaptation and mitigation into various programmes.