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Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, 2017 (Timor-Leste)

The Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) of Timor-Leste identifies a number of potential measures for mitigating climate change for each sector. The forestry, agriculture and energy sectors can play a significant role to mitigate climate change. About 27.4% (238,142 ha) of the total land area is covered by shrubs, an area which could be targeted for the establishment of a productive forest. There are also opportunities for conservation of forests, enhancing and expanding carbon sinks, and fuel wood substitution for household cooking and lighting practices with biomass energy. Timor-Leste is interested in exploring opportunities to undertake REDD+ activities that should be led by domestic laws and regulations, and based on national priorities. For the energy sector, renewable energy such as hydropower, solar photovoltaic, wind and biomass also have potential as alternative sources of energy to reduce the use of fossil fuel-based energy production. The total renewable energy potential for Timor-Leste is 450 MR (352 MW hydropower, 72M wind, 22 MW solar and 6 MW biomass/waste). It also sets targets for rural electrification, energy efficient and clean cookstoves, and energy efficiency. In terms of adaptation, the INDC identifies priority adaptation measures in key sectors including food security, water resources, human health, natural disasters, forests, biodiversity and coastal ecosystems resilience, livestock production, physical infrastructure, oil and gas production, and national institutional capacity development.