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Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Under the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, 2016 (Nauru)

The Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Nauru is focused primarily on adaptation, with a strong emphasis on building resilience which also encompasses mitigation in an integrated manner. Among the improvements for this purpose is to transition to untapped clean energy sources, such as renewable resources rather than relying on traditional imported fuels. Another pressing adaptation strategy is to improve the indigenous food supply and potable water availability and storage. Moreover, there is a need to rehabilitate the environment and improve the health of the people. On the other hand, the main mitigation contribution is to achieve the outcomes and targets under the National Energy Roadmap, National Sustainable Development Strategy and recommendations under the Second National Communication, and is conditional on receiving adequate funding and resources. The key mitigation strategy is to substitute a substantial part of the existing diesel generation with a large scale grid connected solar photovoltaic system which would assist in reducing the emissions from fossil fuel. This strategy will be complemented by extensive demand side energy management improvements.