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Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, Cook Islands, 2016

The Cook Islands' Intended Nationally Determined Contribution commits to increasing renewable energy generation, from being powered with 50% renewable energy sources in 2015 to 100% in 2020. With 2006 as base year, the shift will reduce emissions from electricity generation by 38% in 2020. The Cook Islands will also put in place structures to monitor, evaluate and pursue value added activities which would further reduce emissions from electricity generation by 43%, for a total of 81% reduction by 2030. These include the construction of additional grid storage, integration of improved energy efficiency and new technologies, technology transfer, and strengthening capacities. It will also impose significant duty rates on the importation of motor vehicles, and pursue low-carbon technologies for clean energy transportation. In terms of mitigation, the Cook Islands has declared its entire Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as a marine park, to build resilience of marine ecosystems. The country has also developed key plans and policies that articulate its priorities to reduce vulnerability and strengthen resilience, including its National Sustainable Development Plan, the updating of its Joint National Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation Plan, and Climate and Disaster Compatible Development Policy.