Indonesia's Updated Nationally Determined Contribution, 2021
The Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Indonesia reflects the progression beyond the earlier pledge in INDC in terms of:
- The national business as usual (BAU) scenario used – BAU of NDC is slightly lower than BAU of INDC (from 2.881 GtCO2e in INDC to 2.869 GtCO2e in NDC), and
- Clarity of sectoral BAU and emission reduction target allocation, and assumption used for BAU projection and target allocation.
The NDC has set an ambitious mitigation target for forest and land use and energy sectors which accounts for about 97% of the total national commitment. It also contains enhanced targets on adaptation as elaborated in the programmes, strategies and actions to achieve economic, social and livelihood, and ecosystem and landscape resilience, as depicted in its Annex 2. There is also enhanced clarity on mitigation by adopting the Paris Agreement rule book (Katowice Package) on information to be provided in NDC, as well as updated policies which potentially contribute to additional achievement of NDC target.