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Guidelines in the Processing of Receipt Arising from Build-Operate-Transfer Transaction and its Variant Schemes, Department of Finance, Department of Budget and Management, and NEDA Build-Operate and Transfer Center Joint Circular No. 03-01 (Philippines)

An escrow account must be opened by the agency of Philippine government and the facility operator under the name of the Build-Operate-Transfer project in an Authorized Government Depository Bank (ADGB). All collections arising out of the facility operation shall be remitted directly to the escrow account. The agency of the Philippine government shall establish the amount due to the government and instruct the ADGB to remit the same to the National Treasury. The facility operator is required to submit the invoices or billing statements based on the number of transactions with the facility users of the infrastructure on a monthly basis. The Joint Circular provides for the requirements which the facility operator must satisfy before the initial payment can be remitted to them.