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Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCSOR) is a non-binding instrument adopted under the United Nations. It provides a framework for international migration in all its dimensions. The GCSOR distinguishes between migrants and refugees, with only the refugees being entitled to specific international protection under international refugee law. It also makes a distinction between "regular" and "irregular" migration, although it does not explicitly define these terms. States may, within their jurisdiction, have the sovereign right to determine their national migration policy. GCSOR is comprised of 23 objectives to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration. These include objectives on data collection, adverse drivers of migration, timeliness of information, legal identity and documentation, pathways for regular migration, ethical recruitment, migration vulnerabilities, missing migrants, response to smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons, managing of borders, migration procedures, migration detention, consular protection, access to basic services, inclusivity and social cohesion, elimination of discrimination, skills development, sustainable development, remittances and financial inclusion of migrants, return and reintegration, portability of benefits, and international cooperation.