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General Assembly Resolution 843 (IX), Status of Women in Private Law: Customs, Ancient Laws and Practices Affecting the Human Dignity of Women

The General Assembly Resolution on the Status of Women in Private Law: Customs, Ancient Law and Practices Affecting the Human Dignity of Women urges all States to take all appropriate measures in the countries and Territories under their jurisdiction towards abolishing certain customs, ancient laws and practices on marriage and family that are inconsistent with the principles outlined in the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Thus, it urges States to ensure freedom in the choice of a spouse, the right of widows to the custody of children and their freedom to remarry, the registration of marriages and divorce, the trial of cases involving personal rights before a competent judicial body, and family allowances when provided should benefit directly the mother and child, as well as to abolish the practice of bride price, child marriage and betrothal of girls before puberty. It also recommended that measures be taken to inform public opinion on this matter.