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General Assembly Resolution 43/53, Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind, A/RES/43/53 (6 December 1988)

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution No. 43/53 (“Protection of global climate for present  and future generations of mankind") endorsed the establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and recognized that climate change is a priority issue. It is expressed concern that certain human activities could change global climate patterns, threatening present and future generations with potentially severe economic and social consequences. It noted with concern emerging evidence indicating that continued growth in the atmospheric concentrations of "greenhouse" gases could produce global warming with an eventual rise in sea levels, the effects of which could be disastrous for mankind if timely steps are not taken at all levels. It states that the UNGA is convinced that climate change affects humanity as a whole and should be confronted within a global framework so as to take into account the vital interests of all mankind. Thus, it called upon Governments and intergovernmental organizations to collaborate in making every effort to prevent detrimental effects on climate and activities which affect the ecological balance, and also call upon non-governmental organizations, industry and other productive sectors to play their due role.