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General Assembly Resolution 2263 (XXII), Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, A/RES/22/2263

The Declaration proclaims that Discrimination against women, denying or limiting as it does their equality of rights with men, is fundamentally unjust and constitutes an offense against human dignity. Thus, all appropriate measure shall be taken to abolish existing laws, customs, regulations and practices which are discriminatory against women and to establish adequate legal protection for equal rights of men and women. The principle of equality of rights shall be embodied in the constitution or otherwise guaranteed by law. The Declaration refers in particular to the right to vote in all elections, in all public referenda, and the right to public office and public functions. Moreover, women, married or unmarried, shall have equal rights with men in civil law, particularly, right to property, right to equality in legal capacity, rights on the movement of persons, rights as to free choice of a spouse, the dissolution of marriage, and rights and duties relating to their children. Child marriage and betrothal of young girls before puberty shall be prohibited. It also provides for combating all forms of traffic of women and exploitation of prostitution. Moreover, girls and women shall have equal rights with men in education at all levels, in economic and social life, particularly through equal remuneration in respect of work of equal value, right to leave with pay and other privileges, and the right to receive family allowances if any.