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General Assembly Resolution 1721 (XVI), International Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, A/RES/1721(XVI)[B] (20 December 1961)

Resolution No. 1721 was a Pre-UNFCCC instrument, passed by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 1961. UNGA Resolution 1721 urged UN Member States, World Meteorological Organization and other appropriate specialized agencies the early and comprehensive study, in the light of developments in outer space, of measures to "advance the state of atmospheric science and technology so as to provide greater knowledge of basis physical forces affecting climate and the possibility of large-scale weather modification" as well as "to develop existing weather forecasting capabilities and to help Member States make effective use of such capabilities through regional meteorological centers." The Resolution resulted in the establishment of the World Meteorological Organization, the World Weather Watch (WMO-WWW) and the WMO-International Science Council (ICSU) Global Atmospheric Research Programme.