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Financial Mechanisms and Policies for Clean Development Mechanism Investment Projects, PM Decision No. 130/2007/QD-TTg, 2007 (Viet Nam)

The issuance governs investment projects according to the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and policies applied to investment projects according to CDM. It defines a CDM project as a production investment project applying advanced and environment-friendly technology which results in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction, approved for registration and issuance of GHG emission reduction certificate by the International Executive Board on CDM. 

The issuance identifies the fields where a CDM project may be carried out, namely:

  • Enhancement of energy efficiency, conservation and savings
  • Harnessing renewable energy sources
  • Fuel switching with the aim of reducing GHG emissions, gas recovery and utilization from oil drilling, methane (CH4) recovery from waste disposal sites and coal mining for electricity generation
  • Afforestation or reforestation to increase capacity of GHG absorption and emission reduction
  • CH4 emission reduction from husbandry and cultivation activities
  • Other fields resulting in GHG emission reduction

It identifies the requirements to develop and invest in a CDM project, as well as the conditions for a CDM project, and the rights and duties of CDM developers and investors. It also provides for the management, sale and utilization of Certified Emissions Reductions, which are credits issued to a CDM project by the International Executive Board. 
