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Fiji's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, 2016

The Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) of Fiji commits to a sector-specific reduction focusing on a renewable energy target for electricity generation. In addition, a general emission reduction by improvements in energy efficiency economy wide. The target is for the renewable energy share in electricity generation to approach 100% by 2030 from around 60% in 2013. In addition, an indicative reduction of 10% carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for energy efficiency improvements economy wide will be sought. These measures will reduce CO2 emissions in the energy sector by around 30% from business as usual by 2030. 

The achievement of the emission reduction target specified will be through both unconditional and conditional means based on available and additional external financing being made available to Fiji. From the 30% emission reduction target, 10% will be achieved through the implementation of the Green Growth Framework, utilizing resources available in the country (unconditional) whereas the remaining target can only be met with the availability of external funding amounting to US$500 million (conditional). 

Furthermore, In order to achieve rapid and cost-efficient mitigation, a combination of global market based mechanisms and direct aid transfers will be necessary, including fully functional bilateral, regional and international market mechanisms such as the Clean Development Mechanism. In terms of adaptation, the INDC identifies key challenges and proposed way forward, as well as action and time bound indicators.