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Fiji NDC Implementation Roadmap 2018−2030: Setting a Pathway for Emissions Reduction Target Under the Paris Agreement, 2017

The NDC Implementation Roadmap 2017-2030 has the goal of providing a temporal pathway with concrete mitigation actions and financing needs to achieve the transformational change necessary for the NDC. The NDC Implementation Roadmap divides the mitigation actions under the energy sector (the focus of the Intended NDC) between the three sub-sectors of Electricity Generation and Transmission, Demand-Side Energy Efficiency, and Transportation. The implementation of the identified mitigation actions under the Roadmap is further divided into short-term (2017-2020), medium-term (2021-2025), and long-term (2026-2030) action periods, with all mitigation actions in the Roadmap aligned to existing national policies, strategies, and plans. The total estimated annual carbon dioxide mitigation achieved by the identified mitigation actions included in the Roadmap amounts to 627,000 tCO2/yr against the business-as-usual baseline in 2030.