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Fifth Periodic Report Submitted by Pakistan under Article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

The Fifth Periodic Report submitted by Pakistan highlights the country's efforts to fulfill its obligations with regard to the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and other relevant human rights bodies. The Report submits that with greater participation in legislative, executive and judicial areas of the State, women are taking charge to improve the status of women in Pakistan. Against this backdrop, efforts for the improvement of the status of women enjoy societal ownership and political recognition. In particular, the Report provides details on efforts with respect to women and girls affected by disasters, the transformation of jirgas and panchayats, national machinery for the advancement of women, temporary special measures, participation of women in political and public life, and marriage and family relations. The Report also discusses Pakistan's responses to different articles of the Convention, including the definition of discrimination against women, the obligation to eliminate discrimination, implementation of the convention through available means, special measures/affirmative action, sex role stereotyping and prejudice, sexual exploitation of women, elimination of discrimination in political and public life, representation abroad, nationality, equal rights to all aspects of education, employment, health, economic and social benefits, rural women, equality before the law, and marriage and family life.