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Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure, 2015 (Myanmar)

The Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure outlines the process whereby projects having the potential to cause adverse impacts on the environment may undertake an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) or Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or to develop an Environmental Management Plan (EMP), and to obtain an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) in accordance with this Procedure. Such ECC may be required of any ministry, government department, organization, corporation, board, development committee and organization, local government or authority, company, cooperative, institution, enterprise, firm, partnership or individual undertaking the Project or Project expansion. It provides for the screening procedure pursuant to which a project may be classified as an EIA type project, IEE type project or a non-IEE or EIA type project. 

An EIA type project means a project judged by the Ministry as being likely to have potential for adverse impacts to the environment. 

An IEE type project means a project judged by the Ministry to have some adverse impacts, but of lesser degree and/or significance than those for EIA type project. 

A non-IEE or EIA type project is not required to undertake any environmental assessment. The Procedure outlines the requirements for an EIA type project and an IEE type project, as well as the preparation of an Environmental Management Plan. The procedure also includes the appeal process in case of denial, as well as monitoring, strategic environmental assessment and administrative punishment.