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Disaster Risk Reduction National Strategic Plan of Action, 2018-2030 (Nepal)

The strategic action plan for disaster risk reduction is a national document of the Government of Nepal with commitment for disaster risk reduction and management to support accomplishing Sustainable Development Goals by building disaster-resilient community. This action plan has emphasized on the comprehensive approach of "Risk Reduction" in Disaster Management. While preparing the action plan, it has incorporated a comprehensive approach of Risk Reduction in Disaster Management in accordance with the international declarations and commitments such as Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, Asia Regional Plan adopted on Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2016, and the Cancun Declaration adopted by fifth meeting of Global Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction. This strategic action plan takes into account of the experiences gained from the implementation of National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management 2009, and experiences and lessons learned from recent major disasters and initiatives on Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development Goals. The action plan has clearly defined four main priority areas, its supporting areas and strategic activities, and assigned the responsibilities to various agencies.