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Constitution of the Republic of Maldives

The fundamental law defines the Republic of Maldives as a sovereign, independent and democratic Republic based on the principles of Islam and a unitary State. The constitution also provides for the territory of Maldives. It also sets forth the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Powers of government. It defines the citizens of Maldives, as well as its national symbols. 

The constitution also recognizes the fundamental rights and freedoms which include:

  • The right to non-discrimination
  • Freedom from restraint
  • Right to equality
  • Right to life
  • Protection of the environment, economic and social rights
  • Right to privacy
  • Protection against slavery or forced labor
  • Right to vote and run for public office
  • Freedom of expression
  • Freedom of the media
  • Freedom of acquiring and imparting knowledge
  • Freedom to form political parties, associations and societies
  • Right to strike
  • Freedom of assembly
  • Right to protect reputation and name
  • Right to marry and establish a family
  • Special protection to children, young, elderly and disadvantaged
  • Right to education
  • Right to work
  • Right of pension
  • Right to participate in cultural life
  • Right to property
  • Freedom of movement
  • Rights in relation to a criminal proceeding

It also provides for independent commissions and offices, and decentralized administration.