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Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, 1945

The fundamental law declares that the State of Indonesia shall be a unitary state in the form of a republic. Sovereignty is in the hands of the people and implemented according to the constitution. It defines the structure of government which consists of the Executive branch headed by the President, the Judicial branch with the Makhamah Agung as the highest level court, and the Legislative branch consisting of the Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) and Dewan Perwalikan Rakya (DPR). It declares that Indonesia is an archipelagic state, the boundaries and rights of whose territory shall be established by law, as well as defines the citizens and residents of Indonesia. The constitution recognizes human rights including the freedom to associate and assemble, right to live, right to establish a family and to procreate based on lawful marriage, right of children to grow and develop and to be protected from violence and discrimination, right to personal development, right to education, right to equal treatment before the law, right to work, right to just remuneration, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, right to choose occupation, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of opinion, right to information, right to protection of himself, family, honor, dignity and property, right to live, right to healthcare, right to property, freedom from torture, freedom from torture, and rights of traditional communities.