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The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand

The fundamental law of Thailand declares that its Kingdom is one and indivisible and that it adopts a democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State. The constitution enshrines the rights and liberties of the Thai people including:

  • The right to equality before the law
  • Right to life
  • Protection against unjustified arrest and detention
  • Prohibition against torture, cruel or inhumane punishment
  • Protection from ex post facto laws
  • Rights of accused in a criminal proceeding
  • Prohibition against slavery
  • Right to privacy, dignity, reputation and family
  • Freedom of expression
  • Academic freedom
  • Freedom of the press, 
  • Right to property and succession
  • Freedom of movement
  • Right to engage in an occupation
  • Right to information
  • Right of petition
  • Freedom of association
  • Right to protection of environment
  • Freedom of assembly
  • Right to form political parties

The constitution also provides for the duties of the Thai people which specifically include the duty:

  • To cooperate in preventing and mitigating disasters.
  • To strictly observe the law.
  • To enroll in compulsory education.
  • To cooperate and support the conservation and protection of the environment, natural resources, biodiversity, and cultural heritage, among others. 

The constitution also provides the duties of the state. It contains provisions on directive principles of State policies, the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers, the Constitutional Court, independent organs of the State, and Local Administration.