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The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

The fundamental law defines the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste as a democratic, sovereign, independent and unitary State. It defines citizenship in the state and its territory and applies the principle of decentralization in territorial organization. It provides that the legal system of East Timor shall adopt the general or customary principles of international law. It recognizes the Fundamental Rights, Duties, Freedoms and Guarantees which include universality and equality of all citizens, equality between women and men, rights of children, rights of the youth, senior citizens, disabled citizens and East Timorese citizens overseas. It also provides for the right to life, right to personal freedom, security and integrity, rights of an accused, right of habeas corpus, right to honor and privacy, inviolability of home and correspondence, protection of personal data, right to establish and live in a family, freedom of speech and information, of the press and mass media, of assembly and demonstration, association, movement, conscience and religion, right to political participation, vote, and petition. It also provides for certain Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Duties which include the right to work, right to strike, trade union freedom, consumer rights, right to health, housing, education and culture, intellectual property and environment.