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Climate Change Priorities Action Plan for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sector, 2014-2018 (Cambodia)

The Climate Change Priorities Action Plan of Cambodia outlines the response of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to the challenges of climate change. The action plan is crucial, considering the important role that agriculture continues to have in the country's economic growth. Thus, the government envisions modernizing Cambodia's agriculture, based on a new approach and the changed scope and pace, to transform this sector from extensive stage of development, i.e., primarily depending on expanded use of available resources and traditional agricultural inputs, into an intensive stage of development that primarily depends on the application of techniques, new technologies, research and development, mechanization and increased capacity of irrigation to improve productivity, and diversify into high value crops and other agricultural products.

In keeping with this, the goal of the action plan is to participate in reducing any negative impacts of climate change on the agricultural sector, animal production, forestry, and fisheries through various adaptation and mitigation approaches. The action plan presents proposed priority actions and the corresponding costing, as well as financial mechanism. It likewise highlights expected key impact of the plan from each action.