Climate Change Policy Framework, 2015 (Maldives)
The Maldives Climate Change Policy Framework is based on a set of principles to guide climate-related activities that take into account national laws, national development plans, strategies, action plans, policies, and relevant documents. The approach to the policy framework is guided by principles, namely:
- Climate leadership
- Intergenerational equity
- Mainstreaming of climate change
- Relevant international commitments
- Multilateral partnership
- Transfer of technology
- Climate resiliency
The main aims of the policy framework are:
- Fostering and guiding a national plan of action against current, short, medium and long-term effects of climate change.
- Setting out strategic priorities in response to climate change.
- Promoting a coordinated approach among all the national stakeholders.
- Building and strengthening current policies, plans and institutional structures and incorporating these into all related sectoral plans.