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Climate Change Action Plan for Transport Sector, 2014-2018 (Cambodia)

The Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) for the Transport Sector identifies the measures that will promote both the sector's development and effective climate change responses. The CCAP outlines the actions and activities to be implemented during the five year period (2014-2018) for the sector. It examines the climate situation relevant to the sector, including its climate change vulnerability. It also looks into the contribution of the sector to climate change, being the main contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Cambodia. It reviews the existing initiatives to respond to climate change including the drafting of a National Transport Policy, National Implementation Plan on Environment in Transport Sector, Cambodia National Road Safety Action Plan, and Motor Vehicle Technical Inspection Procedure. It identifies the priority issues of the transport sector in relation to climate change, and the strategies to address the adaptation and mitigation needs of the sector. It then proposes an action plan matrix for actions to address the climate change concerns and issues of the sector.