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Climate Change Action Plan in Tourism Sector 2015-2018 (Cambodia)

This Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) outlines the response of the Ministry of Tourism (MoT) to climate change. The tourism sector has played an important role in Cambodia's national identity, economic development and employment opportunities. The number of international visitors increases more than 20% annually and the tourism sector continues to contribute more than 16% to national gross domestic product and generates 700,000 jobs (both direct and indirect) in 2013. Given this importance, the Royal Government of Cambodia labels tourism sector as “Green Gold.” However, the risk from Climate Change impacts Cambodia's economic development, livelihoods and nature. The tourism sector, on one hand, is a victim of climate-induced disasters, e.g. storms, floods, droughts or heat wave affects tourist activities. On the other hand, the World Tourism Organization and United Nation Environment Program reported that the tourism sector generates 5% of global greenhouse gas emission. 

The CCAP for the MoT identifies seven prioritized actions and the corresponding key indicators for 2015-2018, as well as their key impacts. Its vision is that "tourism in Cambodia develops through cultural heritage and natural ecosystem towards green, low-carbon, climate resilient and sustainable development that contributes to economic, social, employment generation and poverty reduction." Its mission is to create "a national framework for engaging the public, the private sector, civil society organizations and development partners in a participatory process for responding to climate change to support sustainable development within tourism sector."