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Climate Change Action Plan, 2016 - 2018 (Cambodia)

The Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), 2016-2018 presents a number of strategic actions targeting environmental protection, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, green growth, environmental education, awareness raising, and climate change governance. 

The key expected impacts from the implementation of CCAP 2016-2018 include: 

  • Greater public awareness of climate change issues
  • Increased institutional capacity and mainstreaming of climate change issues into national and subnational planning
  • Increased community resilience
  • Greater contribution to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction efforts, with increased volumes of carbon credits issued from carbon offset projects in Cambodia

A number of specific results are also expected through the implementation of 17 interventions of the CCAP: 

  1. Technology hub for food, energy and water security 
  2. Vulnerability assessments 
  3. Adaptation measure for Protected Areas 
  4. Natural Capital Accounting system 
  5. GHG Inventory system 
  6. GHG Emission Reduction Facility 
  7. Urban development plans and programs addressing climate change 
  8. Climate change Knowledge Management System 
  9. Curricula on climate change 
  10. Climate change public awareness raising 
  11. Mainstreaming climate change at subnational planning 
  12. Climate change M&E system 
  13. Developing capacity of climate change national coordinating mechanisms 
  14. Grant facility for implementation of climate interventions 
  15. Climate change legal framework 
  16. National carbon finance framework 
  17. Reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The results from these interventions are expected to make a significant contribution to overall resiliency of the country to climate change.