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Climate Action Plan, 2016 (Singapore)

The Climate Change Action Plan of Singapore sets out strategies to address climate change, conscious that Singapore, a low-lying island state, is vulnerable. The plan notes that with its circumstances (e.g., small size, urban density, low wind speeds, relatively flat lands, lack of geothermal resources), it is difficult to pursue alternative energy options such as nuclear, hydroelectric, wind, geothermal, or solar power. Nevertheless, it made early policy choices to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, for instance, by switching to natural gas, the cleanest form of fossil fuel. 

The Plan offers four strategies namely:

  1. Improving energy efficiency
  2. Reducing carbon emissions from power generation
  3. Developing and demonstrating cutting-edge low-carbon technologies
  4. Responding to challenges of climate change through the collective action of government agencies, individuals, businesses and the community

It presents schemes to help companies achieve greater energy efficiency, including capability development, financing and incentives. To reduce carbon emissions in power generation, the Plan pushes for more efficient power generation technologies. In order to develop and deploy low-carbon technology, the plan promotes investing in research and development and demonstration. Finally, to encourage collective climate action, Singapore will take steps to build knowledge and awareness by bringing climate change to schools and engaging public communications.