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Cambodia's National Adaptation Plan Financing Framework and Implementation Plan

The main purpose of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Financing Framework and Implementation Plan is to support the execution of the NAP process by increasing the possibilities for Cambodia to access additional adaptation finance. The NAP financing framework includes an analysis of various financing dimensions (by scoping demand, existing gaps, funding options at domestic and international levels) and offers an implementation plan for priority actions. 

The framework makes short, medium and long-term recommendations priority climate change actions. These include, among others:

  • Pursuing sector-wide or programmatic approaches rather than small-sized projects
  • Strengthening project and budgeting capacities
  • Further developing a national repository on climate science
  • Strengthening sectoral coordination
  • Continuing to mainstream climate proofing into ministries’ budgets
  • Integrate gender dimensions in climate responses

The NAP Financing Framework also offers recommendations on how to remove barriers limiting access to international and domestic finance for adaptation. Recommendations include supporting climate change knowledge, institutional strengthening, planning and budget systems and processes, and the integration of Climate Change Action Plans into routine annual budget planning, Budget Strategic Plans and Public Investment Programs.