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Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction Performance Projects and Roadmap, 2018-2022 (Philippines)

The overall goal of the Roadmap is aimed at achieving “Climate- and Disaster-Resilient Communities Supporting Equitable and Sustainable Development.” The roadmap has four expected outcomes, namely: 

  1. Increased Adaptive Capacities of Vulnerable Communities
  2. Ensured Adequate Supply of Clean Air, Water, and other Natural Resources
  3. Increased Resilience of Critical Infrastructure
  4. Enhanced Knowledge, Access to Information and Institutional Capacities

The Roadmap indicates the corresponding indicators for each expected outcome, lists of program/activity/project (PAPs) for 2018 categorized as funded based on the National Expenditures Program or unfunded, and the forward estimates for 2019 to 2022 for the potential PAPs. The focus areas of the Roadmap are the 22 vulnerable provinces, 822 coastal municipalities and the major urban centers (Metro Manila, Cebu, Iloilo and Davao). It also provides certain prioritization criteria for the focused areas.