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Biodiversity Act of Bhutan, 2022

The Act defined the jurisdiction and powers of the Competent National Authority and National Focal Point to ensure the enforcement and administration of the Act, respectively. It provided the rules on conservation and sustainable use over Bhutan's biological resources over which the State exercises its sovereign rights. It also mandates the Competent National Authority to protect plant varieties that are sui generis or are novel, distinct, uniform, stable and identifiable. 

The Act provides the rules and procedure to obtain access to genetic resources through scoping agreement, access and benefit sharing agreement, material transfer agreement or standard material transfer agreement. It also protects the continuity of rich traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources through documentation, preservation and protection. 

The Act further established the Bhutan Access and Benefit Sharing Fund for the purpose of conservation and sustainable use of Bhutan's biodiversity, and enhancement of rural livelihoods.
