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Amendments to Sections 13(E) and 18(C) of the Rules and Regulations Implementing the Renewable Energy Act of 2008, Department of Energy Department Circular No. DC2021-12-0042 (Philippines)

The Renewable Energy (RE) developer who avails of the corporate tax rate incentive must submit a sworn undertaking that it shall pass on the savings derived from the corporate tax rate incentive to the end-users in the form of lower power rates, and a subsequent report under oath to this effect. If there is a Power Supply Agreement with a Distribution Utility or an Ancillary Services Agreement, the RE developer must state in the report that the incentive is incorporated in such contracts. 

Further, RE developers, which import RE equipment, materials, parts, etc., are required to secure a certificate of endorsement from the Department of Energy before it can avail of the incentives provided in the Renewable Energy Law.