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Agriculture Development Strategy, 2015 to 2035 (Nepal)

The Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS) action plan and roadmap are formulated in order to move towards the ADS vision formulated by stakeholders as follows: “A self-reliant, sustainable, competitive, and inclusive agricultural sector that drives economic growth and contributes to improved livelihoods and food and nutrition security leading to food sovereignty.” 

In order to achieve the vision, the ADS will accelerate agricultural sector growth through four strategic components including:

  1. Governance
  2. Productivity
  3. Profitable commercialization
  4. Competitiveness while promoting:
  •  Inclusiveness (both social and geographic)
  • Sustainability (both natural resources and economic)
  • Development of private sector and cooperative sector
  • Connectivity to market infrastructure (e.g., agricultural roads, collection centers, packing houses, market centers), information infrastructure and ICT, and power infrastructure (e.g., rural electrification, renewable and alternative energy sources)

The acceleration of inclusive, sustainable, multi-sector, and connectivity-based growth is expected to result in increased food and nutrition security, poverty reduction, agricultural trade competitiveness, higher and more equitable income of rural households, and strengthened farmers’ rights. The components of the ADS framework include improved governance, higher productivity, profitable commercialization, increased competitiveness, farmers' rights, commercial farmers, subsistence farmers, and the landless.