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Actions for Palau’s Future: The Medium-Term Development Strategy 2009−2014, 2009

The Medium-Term Development Strategy (MTDS) of Palau articulates the key strategies and actions to help achieve economic, social, environmental and cultural goals of the country for the five-year period from 2009 to 2014. The MTDS aims to establish meaningful priorities and recommends credible policies and practical actions for the purpose of said priorities. The overall goal defined in the MTDS is a sustained and widespread improvement in general standards of living while preserving cultural and environmental values for the people of Palau. 

It identifies strategic priorities that are essential to an effective medium-term development plan namely:

  • Preserving key values and advantages including the environment, cultural values, political stability, public security and civil order, and effective relationships with development partners
  • Achieving consensus for change through transparency and opportunities for consultation
  • Addressing binding constraints to economic development