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8th Five-Year National Socio-Economic Development Plan 2016-2020 (Lao PDR)

The overall objectives of the 8th Five-Year National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) of Lao People’s Democratic Republic are:

  • To ensure political stability, peace and order in the society
  • Poverty of the people is reduced significantly in all areas
  • The country graduates out of Least Developed Country (LDC) status by 2020 through continuous, inclusive and sustainable growth
  • Effective management and efficient utilization of natural resources
  • Development is enhanced through the national potential and advantages
  • Participation in regional and international integration with ownership

It identifies the baselines, performance indicators and targets in order to achieve such overall objective. The proposed overall objective can only be achieved if specific economic, social and environmental outcomes are achieved within the period of the 8th NSEDP. The core of the proposed overall objective is eligibility for LDC graduation, and, to achieve this, specific achievements are necessary, broadly under the qualitative headings of “low-income characteristics” and “severity of structural impediments to sustainable development.” In connection with this, three specific outcomes are identified, together with baselines, performance indicators and targets. These outcomes include: 

  1. Sustained, inclusive economic growth with economic vulnerability reduced to levels required for growth support
  2. Human resources are developed and the capacities of the public and private sectors is upgraded; poverty in all ethnic groups is reduced, all ethnic groups and both genders have access to quality education and health services; the unique culture of the nation is protected and consolidated; political stability, social peace and order, justice and transparency are maintained
  3. Natural resources and the environment are effectively protected and utilized according to green-growth and sustainable principles; there is readiness to cope with natural disasters and the effects of climate change and for reconstruction following natural disasters