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1996 Protocol to the London Convention

The 1996 Protocol to the London Convention supersedes the Convention as between Contracting Parties to the Protocol who are also parties to the London Convention. Dumping as contemplated in the Protocol means any deliberate disposal into the sea of wastes or other matter from vessels, aircraft, platforms, or other human-made structures, as well as the disposal of these vessels and structures themselves. It also includes the storage of such wastes in the seabed and subsoil and any abandonments at the site of platforms and human-made structures for the sole purpose of deliberate disposal. The Protocol obliges Contracting Parties to prohibit dumping of wastes or matter other than those mentioned in its Annex 1. For those not mentioned in Annex 1, a permit is required for their disposal from the State's designated authority. Moreover, Contracting Parties shall apply a precautionary approach to environmental protection from dumping wastes or other matter. Moreover, each Contracting Party shall endeavor to apply the polluter pays principle in relation to dumping or incineration at sea. The Contracting Parties shall also act so as not to transfer damage from one part of the environment to another or transform one type of pollution to another.