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Saima Amin Khawaja


Saima Amin Khawaja

Saima Amin Khawaja's areas of interest include the Environmental, Constitution, Corporate Governance, Gender, Regulatory Laws, Land Acquisition, Not for Profit Laws and Public Interest Litigation. She has handled numerous development consultancies which vary from environment enforcement, development of SMEs, improvement in the Lower Judiciary, development in legal and regulatory framework for not for profi t organizations, bringing in policy change in regulatory frame work of taxation regime, improving Urban development, Governance and corruption issues in water and sanitation and reforms in acquisition laws. She has received special training in Environment laws from M.C Metha Foundation Rishkish, India. She has also been trained in mediation and is an accredited mediator. She has taught various subjects at TILS, UCL, LUMS, Civil Services Academy and the Judicial Academy.

She has been an amicus and part of many commissions at the High Court, presently part of the Climate Change Commission constituted by the Lahore High Court. She is also a Board Member of LUMS Board of Trustees. Concurrently, she is part of the Board of Governors National Management Fund, Gurmani Foundation, The Citizens Foundation, LEAD Pakistan and Bali Memorial Trust.