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Omari Tsereteli

Deputy Head of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Policy and Sustainable Development Department, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Georgia

Omari Tsereteli

Omar Tsereteli has been working as a Deputy Head of Division of International Relations in Energy Sector of Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia (MoESD). In 2020-2021 Mr. Omar worked for Georgian Energy Development Fund (GEDF) as a Consultant of Energy Efficiency issues. Before starting occupation at GEDF, he had been hired as a Technical Supervision consultant in NENSKRA HPP International Project managed by Korean State Company K-Water. In the frame of the project, he held also Chief Technical Secretary and other positions in 2016-2020. It should also be mentioned, that Mr. Tsereteli has been PhD Candidate in Energy and Electrical engineering and couple of years delivered lectures in Tbilisi State University as an invited lecturer