Nadia Rehman
Member, Food Security & Climate Change, Planning Commission

Member Food Security & Climate Change at the Planning Commission of Pakistan where she is responsible for Planning and Coordination of the country’s Food Security & Climate portfolio.
In a previous role, Nadia developed an initial framework for Sustainable Industrial Policy for Pakistan for the Ministry of Industries. At the Ministry of Commerce, she was responsible for technical assistance for FTA negotiations with key regional partners which set the agenda for building regional production networks and regional economic cooperation.
Nadia served as Pakistan’ Commercial Counsellor in Prague. Where she led advocacy for GSP+ in eastern and central European capitals. She coordinated efforts resulted in the grant of GSP+ to Pakistan, opening the EU market for Pakistan’s exports.She has a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard University where she was a Benazir fellow and a Masters in Computer Science from Duke University. She has also studied Entrepreneurship and Innovation at MIT Sloan. She is currently pursuing a PhD from Cambridge University.