Muhammad Ridzwan Bin Ali
Senior Assistant Secretary, Climate Change Policy and Negotiation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES)

Muhammad Ridzwan Ali is Senior Assistant Secretary of the Climate Change Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES) Malaysia.
Muhammad Ridzwan has been involved with national climate change agenda for more than 10 years since 2013 until now. Currently, Muhammad Ridzwan is the desk officer responsible for national climate change policy development, coordination, and implementation under NRES. As the Alternate National Focal Point of Malaysia to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), he is responsible as the secretariat to Malaysian delegation attending climate change negotiation process UNFCCC. Under UNFCCC negotiation, Mr. Muhammad Ridzwan also responsible to develop and coordinate national positions in the negotiation process. He himself is a Malaysian negotiator for the global stock-take process and development of carbon market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement. Muhammad Ridzwan also active representing Malaysia in the ASEAN climate change meetings.
Muhammad Ridzwan holds a Bachelor Degree in Conservation Biology from Universiti Malaysia of Sabah (UMS).