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Mingqing You


Prof. Mingqing You is a professor of Law School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China and the James J. Coleman, Sr. Distinguished Visiting Professor of School of Law, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisianna, USA. He has published 2 books and more than 40 articles in Chinese and English. Besides teaching environmental law in China and in the USA, he also has experience as a lawyer and as a law enforcement officer.


Papers and Publications

Selected Publications in English:

  • Mingqing You, Changes and Challenges of the 2014 Revised Environmental Protection Law in the Context of China’s Five Fundamental Transitions, 45 Hong Kong Law Journal 621 (July 2015) (indexed by SSCI, Q4).
  • Mingqing You, Interpretation of the Source-Specific Substantive Control Measures of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, 75 Environment International 1 (February 2015) (indexed by SCI, Q1).
  • Mingqing You, Addition of PM2.5 into the National Ambient Air Quality Standards of China and the Contribution to Air Pollution Control: The Case Study of Wuhan, China, The Scientific World Journal (2014) (indexed by SCI, Q2).
  • Mingqing You, Moratorium on EIA Approvals: China’s New Environmental Law Enforcement Tool, 48 Natural Resources Journal 163 (Winter 2008) (indexed by SSCI, Q4).
  • Zhongmei Lv and Mingqing You, China’s National Governance Framework for Urban Water Resource Management, in Urban Water Management for Future Cities: Technical and Institutional Aspects from Chinese and German Perspective (Stephan Köster, Moritz Reese, and Jiane Zuo ed.), Springer, pp. 333-351 (2019).
  • Mingqing You and Haijing Wang, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2018, 49 Environmental Law Reporter 10547 (June 2019).
  • Mingqing You, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2017, 48 Environmental Law Reporter 10389 (May 2018).
  • Mingqing You and Haijing Wang, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2016, 47 Environmental Law Reporter 10492 (June 2017)
  • Mingqing You, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2015, 46 Environmental Law Reporter 10386 (May 2016).
  • Mingqing You and Yan Wang, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2014, 45 Environmental Law Reporter 10419 (May 2015).
  • Mingqing You and Gengzheng Wang, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2013, 44 Environmental Law Reporter 10465 (June 2014).
  • Mingqing You and Jiaqi Liu, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2012, 43 Environmental Law Reporter 10418 (May 2013).
  • Mingqing You, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2011, 42 Environmental Law Reporter 10482 (May 2012).
  • Mingqing You, A Sketch Survey of Sovereignty, 9 Chinese Cross Currents 8 (April 2012).
  • Mingqing You, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2010, 41 Environmental Law Reporter 10544 (June 2011).
  • Mingqing You, The Use of International Human Rights Judicial Bodies for Environmental Law Implementation, in Implementation of International Environmental Law (S. Maljean-Dubois and L. Rajamani ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 579-605 (2011).
  • Mingqing You and Ke Huang, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2009, 40 Environmental Law Reporter 10484 (May 2010).
  • Mingqing You, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2008, 39 Environmental Law Reporter 10510 (May 2009).
  • Mingqing You, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2007, 38 Environmental Law Reporter 10718 (October 2008).
  • Mingqing You, Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2006, 37 Environmental Law Reporter 10836 (November 2007).
  • Zhongmei Lv and Mingqing You, Environmental Consideration in Real Property Law, China Legal Science (English Edition) (2001).

Books in Chinese:

  • Mingqing You, Remedies for Environmental Torts in China During the Current Transitional Period, Peking University Press, ISBN 978-7-301-29212-9 (2017).
  • Mingqing You, Studies of the Law on Hazardous Wastes, Peking University Press, ISBN 978-7-301-25262-8/D•3742 (2015).

Selected Articles in Chinese

  • Mingqing You, Path for the Establishment of Rules on Abandonment in the Civil Code, Journal of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Vol. 31, Issue 3, pp. 78-91, June 2019.
  • Mingqing You, On the Determination of Environmental Quality Standards and the Liability for Environmental Pollution Tort, China Legal Science, Vol. 2017, Issue 6, pp. 283-300, December 2017.
  • Mingqing You and Haijing Wang, Analysis of the Legal Nature of Water Function Zoning and its Improvement, Chutian Legal Science, 2017(2).
  • Mingqing You and Qiu Qiu, Legal Study on the State Responsibility for Environmental Damages Arising from International Wrongful Acts—A Study Centered on the Aerial Spray Case, Journal of the China University of Geo-sciences, Vol. 12, Issue 4, pp. 40-45, July 2012.
  • Mingqing You, Improvement of the Remedial Mechanisms for Pollution-Caused Health Damages, Environmental and Resources Law Review, Vol. 8, pp. 182-212 (2010).
  • Mingqing You, Comparative Studies on Environmental Protection Concessions, Journal of the China University of Geo-sciences, Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 56-61, July 2009.
  • Mingqing You, Studies on Practical Legal Education, Yangtze Tribunal, Vol. 2008, Issue 1, pp. 77-81, January 2008.
  • Mingqing You, Baseline for the Comparison of Governmental In-kind Subsidies, Intertrade Vol. 2005, Issue 10, pp. 48-50, October 2005.
  • Mingqing You, Studies on Environment-Related Trade Measures under WTO, Environmental and Resources Law Review, Vol. 3, pp. 258-293 (2003).
  • Mingqing You, Latest Developments of the Bank of England and Enlightenment for China, Journal of Beijing College of Politics and Law, Vol. 2002, Issue 3, pp. 49-52, June 2002.
  • Mingqing You, Latest Developments of American Product Liabilities and Enlightenment for China, Private Law Review, Vol. 1, pp. 391-407 (2002).
  • Mingqing You, Comments on Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999, Environmental and Resources Law Review, Vol. 1, pp. 237-260 (2001).