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Maskun Maskun

Lecturer at Faculty of Law

SH. LLM Maskun

Papers/Publications Published


  • Maskun Maskun, Sukarno Aburaera, Muhadar: Philosophy of Law (Filsafat Hukum Teori dan Praktik). 2, Juni 2014 06/2014; KENCANA Prenada Media Group., ISBN: 978-602-9413.94.6
  • Maskun Maskun: Cyber Crime: An Introduction [Kejahatan Siber (Cyber Crime) Suatu Pengantar.] 1 edited by -, 04/2013; KENCANA Prenada Media Group., ISBN: 978-602-9413.93.9
  • Maskun Maskun, Alma manuputty, Juajir Sumardi, Sri Rahayu, Rafika Nurul Hamdani Ramli: Identification of Fishery Access Concept for Landlock States (Identifikasi Konseptual Akses Perikanan Negara Tah Berpantai dan negara yang Secara geografis Tak beruntung di ZEE Indonesia). 1 edited by -, 01/2012; Arus Timur., ISBN: 978-602-9057-51-5
  • Maskun Maskun, Alma Manuputty, Hamid Awaludin, Abdul Rasal Rauf, Inneke Lihawa, S.M. Noor: International Law: an Introduction (Hukum Internasional). 09/2008; Rech-ta, Depok., ISBN: 978-979-17752-1-2

Book Chapters

  • Maskun Maskun, Laode M.Syarif, Birkah Latif: Evolution of Policy and Principles of Global Environment (Evolusi Kebijakan dan Prinsip-prinsip Lingkungan Global). Environmental Law; Theory, Legislation, and Case Study (Hukum Lingkungan Teori, Legislasi dan Studi Kasus), - edited by Laode M.Syarif, Andri G. Wibisana, 01/2015: chapter 2: pages 38-98; USAID - Kemitraan Partnership - the Asia Foundation.

Journal Publications

  • Maskun Maskun: Drugs Law and Legal Practice in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Singapore, and Vietnam. 04/2017; 7(1):135., DOI:10.15742/ilrev.v7n1.294
  • Radillah Khaerany, Maskun Maskun: Global Cooperation in Combating Sea Piracy: The Factors behind Global Piracy Trends. 08/2016; 1(2):213., DOI:10.20956/halrev.v1n2.305
  • Maskun Maskun: Influence of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) to Sustainable Development. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 06/2016; 27(3):174-185. Maskun Maskun, Nur fitriani Khairunnisa: The Nature of Article 27 the Law on Information and Electronic Transaction in Indonesia Practice.
  • Maskun Maskun: The Development of New Clinical Legal Education Courses at the Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University, Makassar- Indonesia: Challenges and Prospects. 12/2015; 1(3):391., DOI:10.20956/halrev.v1n3.117 Maskun: Combating Corruption Based on International Rules. 08/2014; 4(1)., DOI:10.15742/ilrev.v4n1.74
  • Maskun Maskun: Legal’s Standing of Cyber Crime in International Law Contomperary. Maskun, Alma Manuputty, S.M. Noor, Juajir Sumardi: Cyber Security: Rule of Use Internet Safely?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 11/2013; 103:255-261., DOI:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.333
  • Maskun Maskun: Cyber Security and Economic and Social Rights (ESR): Can Both Be Connected.
  • Maskun Maskun: THE CRIME OF AGGRESSION: COMPLEXITIES IN DEFINITION AND ELEMENTS OF CRIME. Maskun: The Conceptual Framework of Crimes Against Humanity in Historical Context and Indonesian Law. 09/2012; 2(3)., DOI:10.15742/ilrev.v2n3.22
  • Maskun Maskun, irwansyah, birkah latif, irham Rapy: KAJIAN EFEKTIVITAS

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