Lye Lin Heng
Associate Professor

LYE Lin Heng [LLB (Sing), LLM (London), LLM (Harvard)] is Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL), at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (NUS) and former Vice-Dean of the Faculty. Her areas of teaching and research are Property Law and Environmental Law. She was instrumental in conceptualising and launching the first multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary programme on the environment in NUS - the MSc (Environmental Management) [MEM] which has the collaboration of nine different faculties and schools in NUS, and is hosted by the School of Design & Environment. She chaired the Steering Committee for the MEM program and, upon the program's launch in 2001, continues to chair the Programme's Management Committee. The MEM program inspired the new Bachelor in Environmental Studies (BES) programme launched in NUS in 2011/12.
She continues to teach Property Law at the NUS Law Faculty as well as Comparative Environmental Law. She is the Law Faculty's representative in the MEM program, which she chairs, and course coordinator for its compulsory module on Environmental Law. She has published and presented on environmental law in national, regional and international journals and conferences and takes a keen interest in nature conservation and pollution laws as well as the role of law in environmental policy, management and governance.
She is a member of the Singapore Land Titles Strata Board and of the Ministry of Environment & Water Resources’ Committee on Clean Drinking Water Standards. She was a Board member of Singapore's public housing agency, the Housing and Development Board (HBD) as well as the Tenants’ Compensation Board. She was Honorary Legal Advisor to the Nature Society Singapore for many years and has passed this on to a former student.
At the international level, she has been a member of the Board of Governors, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law for many years, and was also its Vice-Chair for 2012-13. She also chaired its Teaching and Capacity Building Committee. She is Visiting Associate Professor at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, where she co-teaches an intensive course on Comparative Environmental Law each year with Prof Nicholas A Robinson, former Chair of the IUCN Commission of Environmental Law. She also co-teaches from time to time, a course on Asia-Pacific Environmental Law at the Law School, University of Sydney with Prof Rosemary Lyster.