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Webinar Series: Optimizing eLearning Materials for Teaching Environmental Law - Part 2

In this webinar, Professor Amanda Kennedy from the Queensland University of Technology’s Faculty of Law speaks on optimizing e-Learning resources she has developed on the core principles of environmental law:

  1. Responsibility Not to Cause Environmental Damage
  2. Principle of Cooperation
  3. Principle of Prevention
  4. Sustainable Development
  5. Principles of Sustainable Use and Integration
  6. Intergenerational Equity and Intragenerational Equity
  7. Common but Differentiated Responsibility
  8. Precautionary Principle
  9. The Polluter Pays Principle
  10. Public Participation

Learn directly from Professor Amanda how best to use and customize over 10 hours of content she has developed: Powerpoint slides, sample learning activities, video and journal article links, for your teaching and practice. Share insights and experiences with other members of our TTT network from across the Asia and Pacific.

The one hour session will focus on teaching and learning approaches, with a specific focus on teaching this content in an online session. It is recommended that the materials from lessons 4-6 be reviewed. This is the second of three sessions.

The Core Principles of Environmental Law course is now available as a certificate course on ADB E-Learn. Translations of the course in Vietnamese and Khmer are also available. Contact the Train-the-Trainers Team for any questions or feedback. You will need to register for an account on ADB eLearn to log in and access the courses.

Amanda Kennedy
Queensland University of Technology