Environmental Law Teachers Online Training Program: Syllabus Review Workshop
This is the fifth session in the Environmental Law Teachers Online Training Program that ran from September to December 2021 and was hosted by the Republic of the Philippines Legal Education Board in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), IUCN Academy of Environmental Law (IUCNAEL) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
This session presented best practices in teaching environmental law in an international setting. Participants discussed the essential elements of the syllabus, content and pedagogy for teaching environmental law and analyzed existing syllabi to find essential common elements.
- 9:00AM: Introduction, Opening Instructions, Video Presentation
- 9:05AM: Introduction of Resource Speaker: Associate Professor Jonathan Liljeblad
- 9:05AM: Instructions for the Breakout Rooms: Activity 1
- 9:10AM: Actual Lecture, Breakout Rooms
- 9:55AM: Wellness Break (5 mins)
- 10:05AM: Instructions for the Breakout Rooms: Activity 2
- 10:05AM: Breakout Rooms, Activity 2: Pedagogy, Discussion in the breakout rooms (15 mins)
- 10:20AM: Plenary Presentation and Group Reporting (30 mins)
Contact Person
Matthew Baird
ADB Developing Environmental Law Champions Program (Consultant)
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
matthewhbaird [at] me.com