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ADB, Cambodia’s MOC, and DFDL Conduct Stakeholder Consultation on E-Commerce Code of Conduct

ADB, in collaboration with Cambodia's MOC and DFDL Law, conducted a two-day stakeholders’ consultation workshop on the draft prakas on the Code of Conduct on the Intermediaries and E-Commerce Service Providers (prakas) pursuant to Cambodia’s Law on E-Commerce. 

The Secretary of State of the MOC, His Excellency, Sok Sopheak and the Undersecretary of State/Acting Director General of International Trade, His Excellency, Tith Rithipol stated that the prakas will be part of the overall governmental action to regulate e-commerce as a new sector and contributor to Cambodia’s economy.

Day 1 was attended by representatives from the MOC’s Department of Legal Affairs and its agencies, such as the Department of Business Registration, Department of Export-Import, Department of Trade Policy, Department of Intellectual Property Rights, Department of Planning, Statistic and Business Information, Department of Consumer Protection, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Trade and Training Research Institute, among others. Day 2 focused on the private sector (chambers of commerce and fintech companies, etc.) and select government representatives.

ADB’s Senior Public Management Specialist Jhellum Tini Thomas welcomed the participants, emphasized how e-commerce facilitates both domestic and cross-border trade and mentioned the related ADB’s technical assistance (TA) on e-commerce VAT impact assessment.

ADB’s Senior Legal Officer Gretchen Aquino moderated the program and presented the context on the technical assistance on Enabling a Conducive Environment for the Digital Economy which supported the stakeholders' consultation workshop.

Presentations and discussions were also made by ADB experts Danny Burrows and Nearirath Sreng on the prakas, and Dr. Dalma Demeter and Lohn Samdy on the related e-learning on e-commerce.

Contact Person

Gretchen Aquino
Senior Legal Officer, Office of the General Counsel
Asian Development Bank (ADB)