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Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan 2018-2030

The Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (MSDP) envisions a peaceful, prosperous and democratic country in the long-term. The MSDP is founded upon the objective of having cohesive policies and institutions necessary to achieve genuine, inclusive and transformational economic growth. Thus, the MSDP is intended to bring coherence to existing sector and thematic-level plans, policies and strategic documents, to ensure consistency with macro-level national development priorities. Furthermore, the MSDP harmonizes local developmental needs and global sustainable development agenda by aligning MSDP action plans with global SDG targets. 

The MSDP is comprised of three Pillars, five Goals, 28 Strategies and 251 Action Plans which are aligned with the SDGs, the 12-Point Economic Policy of the Union of Myanmar, and various regional commitments which Myanmar has made as part of the Greater Mekong Subregion Strategic Framework, the ASEAN (Southeast Asia) Economic Community and many others. 

The Plan also considers cross-cutting issues including equity and inclusion, sustainability in all its forms, conflict-sensitive approaches, and democratic principles.